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Friday 26 June 2009

Jacko Dead

Well, that was a shock, last night. So now the world gorges itself on tv, radio, newspaper, and magazine on his life and times. I've never bought a MJ record, but I never didn’t like any of his stuff. As I write this, only 8 albums in the top 25 chart are NOT featuring Michael Jackson. Now that’s phenomenal!

No holes in this argument

I’ve written to my MP about potholes on the Leighton Buzzard Rd, route into Hemel Hempstead; you have to do some serious dodging to avoid some nasty potholes here. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that someone has done some serious damage to tyres, or worse, on this road. Of course Herts Tory council are blaming the Labour government for under-funding them. Come the General Election, Tories will persuade the voters to vote Tory if they want potholes fixed.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Petition Date 23rd June

I have been informed by Cllr David Jones that the new date for our petition to be presented is 23rd June, at the Executive Committee meeting of the new Central Bedfordshire Council. This is a change of date to what was originally announced here.
It is item 5 on the agenda. The meeting starts at 9.30 a.m, and will be held at Council Chamber, Priory House, Monks Walk, Shefford. (click headline for link)


Sunday 14 June 2009

Pot Holes In Herts

People still complain about pot holes in Bedfordshire, but they are nothing compared to the mess that exists in Hertfordshire.
I am furious about the lack of work on the potholes on the Leighton Buzzard Rd, route into Hemel Hempstead, especially between Braden Lane and Pedley Hill. You have to do some serious dodging to avoid some nasty potholes here. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that someone has done some serious damage to tyres, or worse, at this spot.
Before June 4th Tory posters declared "Vote for Change" along this route. People voted for change and they somehow ended up with a Tory run Herts County Council again presiding over the same mess. How dare the farmers and others put up Vote for Change posters along this route while the potholes still exist?
If you go to the Hertfordshire Highways web page it says "If the fault is an immediate threat to life and limb please call the police." Well, perhaps I will.

Add your comment about this disaster area.

Sunday 7 June 2009

Gordon Brown's not all that bad

Mandy stuck up for Gordon Brown on the Andrew Marr show this morning, and last week Gordon vented his own views. I think Mandy put it in the right terminology today, that the media are treating the whole political scene as a live reality show, with the poiticians as contestants, and the media circus treating the whole thing as a joke, goading the contestants on, in an effort to get rid of Brown. I always thought Gordon did a good job as Chancellor.

As Prime Minister, like Mandy said today, he is not a pop star, and why should he be expected to be? Lots of actions have been put into being, and the expenses of MPs will be sorted out, those MPs with immorally claims have gone from ministerial posts, or will be going - and don't forget Tories, and Labour put in what I'd call immoral claims. Yes, to a lesser extent, the Lib Dems, too. Anyway, a non-partisan team is being put together by Brown to sort out business and jobs. Give it 6 months, I think his leadership (if he can hold on) will prove to have been right on the button.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

East of England - G & T Policy Changes

Rita Egan tells me that the signatures on our handwritten petition (click for online version) are stacking up. Meanwhile, East of England "Consultation on Gypsy and Traveller Policy Proposed Changes" ended on 22 May 2009.
You can download the report and read comments made by others here:
It is also interesting to read through comments made on the same page by
clicking on the "View Comments" tab.

Also interesting to see the response of Central Bedfordshire Council to the consultation, this was debated at the Executive Committee meeting held on 12th May, and may be found here:

Cllr David Jones urges us to sign "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to change the current planning regime for travellers sites as it is unfairly biased against residents and council taxpayers:. ...etc" :