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Thursday 19 October 2023

Reporting vehicles without TAX or MOT

If the vehicle is abandoned the police cannot deal with it. You need to report abandoned vehicles to your local council.

Abandoned vehicles* report to Wyre Council. Use this Form but if it is taxed, report to Police. 
* a car, van, motorcycle or other vehicle.

If it does not have an MOT report it to Police.
If it has no insurance report it to Police.  


A council has powers to deal with cars being advertised for sale on public land under the Cleaner Neighbourhoods Act 2005;  Councils can issue fixed penalty notices if two or more cars are parked within 500 metres of each other, have the same owner and the Council has proof that they are advertised or have been advertised for sale locally or online. 

Report a vehicle with no MOT

Contact your local police to report a car, van, motorcycle or other vehicle that does not have an MOT.
You can only report a vehicle with no MOT to the police if it’s being used on a road.

You need the vehicle’s:
  • number plate (registration number)
  • make and model
  • colour
  • location
If the vehicle is abandoned the police cannot deal with it. You need to report abandoned vehicles to your local council.

The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) and the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) cannot take action against a vehicle with no MOT.

What happens next
The police will investigate your report and the driver may get a fine. The maximum fine is £1,000.

Report an untaxed vehicle

If you see an untaxed vehicle on a road, you can report it. Your report is anonymous and will be investigated. Report it here.

Sunday 8 October 2023

News from Number 13

This week I took Mum to see the nurse at the doctor's surgery, and then we decided to pop over to Fleetwood for the market. 

It's a very busy market in the North West and a popular coach trip destination.  They're still working on repairing/replacing the roof of this market so there is still scaffolding up around some stalls. This made pushing Mum's wheelchair around the various obstacles sometimes challenging. And when you have an electric scooter followed by a chain of people coming in one direction, and me pushing the wheelchair followed by a chain of people coming in the other direction, and no traffic lights to help out, well, you can but imagine!

On other days I've been delving into where many different artificial intelligence specialists are gathered. It's been entertaining. I've posted some of what I've been up to on a new Facebook Profile of AI Ally, and transferred some of my first articles from this blog over to a new AIAlly blog. From image generation, poetry, article creation, cartoon ideas, scripts, etc. I even had a chat with an AI based on Fred Weasley who is ultra-knowledgeable about Harry Potter's world. 

While some of these AIs could be more accurate in terms of up-to-date accuracy, I do find them quite useful, or fun. Google has had a great run on being the champion in finding answers to queries I might have had in the past, but with AI, readable useable answers are coming up very fast. 

I like this chap. I think the intro says it all. If you click the image you'll be taken to his answer to my question, "Can you confirm that Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Just asking for a friend."

If you'd like a bit more AI, here's the result of my query asking for ArticleBot for an item about two humorous ladies shopping in a supermarket (also adapted into AI Ally).

What else? Well, the other activity of mine is keeping a couple of Facebook Groups in check as I Administer them throughout the week. That, and reading the engrossing daily stories of life as an Arriva bus driver on a friend's Facebook Profile, all keep me well occupied.  So apart from shoving a few crocus bulbs into the tubs, some of which you can see through the window of my conservatory above, and generally cleaning out said room earlier today, that's about me done for the time being.

I saw on TV this morning that the BBC are going to be running a series about Jimmy Saville, the renowned 70s DJ who led an up-tempo life mixing with all sorts of people, even though he also had a shady life being suspected of inappropriate sexual activity especially with minors, even though he was never charged in his lifetime. I met the guy once. I was a guest backstage in London in 1974 at a Mr Universe / Miss Universe competition when Jimmy Saville, who was compering the show, suddenly burst into the changing room, jangling his gold chain jewellery and wobbling his trademark big-fat-cigar. 

He said a quick "hello" and his eyes swivelled around the room and then he went out. I asked my host what that was all about and was given the explanation that he was probably looking for the girls who would have been in a state of changing and he'd realised he was in the wrong place. The BBC is running this reflective series starting Monday, also on BBC iPlayer.


I should get out more, but we've had lots of wind, rain and grey skies this last week. Although, it has remained mild. Perhaps I'll be off now.