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Sunday 20 November 2022


 I started to sort out the washing up, then I got to the empty yoghurt pot.

This prompted me to write 'Yoghurt' down on the shopping list.

For that, I needed a pen.

The first one didn't work, and neither did the second, so I started rummaging around the junk box for one that did.

So, I needed to reorganise that box. There were several non-working pens which I popped in the kitchen bin (looks full).

I found a pencil, but it needed sharpening.

So I looked in the stationery drawer for a pencil sharpener.

I held the pencil and sharpener over the kitchen bin and saw that the bin really did need emptying.

So I took the bin bag out to the dustbin, went back inside to look for another bin liner.

I went to the drawer with the bin liners in, and that needed tidying out. Curiously, there was a pen in there.

I scribbled with it on the side of a cereal packet. That works. Now, what did I need that for?

Back to the drawer. Remind me, what was I in there for?

Well, surprise, the drawer contains an old photo. Which really ought to be in that old photo album in the wardrobe upstairs .. and that's where I've been for the past hour.