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Sunday, 2 August 2015

Home Rentals: Local Councils Out-Priced By London Councils

Isn't it ridiculous? Councils in London can afford higher rentals to house their homeless families in Luton, thereby pricing Luton out of the local market, and forcing Luton to send their homeless people further north where it's cheaper for them.

There's a hint there, for Luton people who think they might be homeless soon. Make a good case to the London Councils of why you're actually homeless in London. Then, they might just send you to Luton!

Successive governments should have built more houses.

You don't have to be sleeping rough to be homeless. You are homeless if you don't have any right to stay where you live or if your home is unsuitable for you. Anyone expecting to be made homeless should make arrangements, fast. The best place I know of to start looking for advice is at Shelter