Search Every Day Life

Tuesday, 23 April 2024


Ask a question, get an answer. That's how it's supposed to go...

I emailed Wyre Council's general email address the other day. This lead to a day-long exchange of emails.

ME: I am a carer. I believe we live in a No Cold Calling Zone. We had Virgin Media cold call the other day when it was inconvenient. Please could we have a No Cold Calling sticker for the door?

WYRE COUNCIL: Thank you for your email.  The stickers are available from Trading Standards.

ME: Thank you for your email. How do I contact Trading Standards?

WYRE COUNCIL: 0808 800 9060

I proceeded to call the number but it didn't seem right.

ME: Thank you for the phone number. I wanted "Trading Standards" as advised in your 1st email. 
The number you gave me is for Advice Direct Scotland.

WYRE COUNCIL: Sorry but that is the contact number as per google.

ME: Thank you for using Google to find an incorrect telephone number on my behalf. I was under the impression that Trading Standards were part of Wyre Council. Apparently, not. 
Never mind, I used Google to help me find the correct phone number for trading standards.

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